Introducing the Economics of Mutuality to Purposeful Investors

Published October 2019

In a recent keynote speech, Jay Jakub talked about how the Economics of Mutuality could play an exciting role in purposeful investment at Enterprise Stewardship’s High Impact Summit in Wichita, Kansas.

Jay explains that ‘It is important to introduce the Economics of Mutuality to purposeful investors. We will need the right partners to help convert this business model innovation into an investment framework that can be used to identify promising purposeful investment opportunities. This will also give investors a means to hold companies receiving their investments accountable for delivering on a broader definition of performance that includes human capital, social capital and natural capital along with financial capital. The correlation between non-financial forms of capital with financial capital makes it possible to avoid trading off doing well for doing good. With the Economics of Mutuality, no such trade-offs are required.’

The gathering brought together owners, senior leaders and investors of companies at scale who are passionate about using business as a force for flourishing and promoting the common good. Significant questions were discussed, such as:

  • How do we invest economic capital to have the greatest impact?

  • What are appropriate ROI’s?

  • How do we allocate our bottom lines?

  • How do we create social capital to promote the common good?

  • How do we create the best places to work?

  • How do we create enterprises that will impact our communities, states and nation?

  • What part should we play in the political process?


New Prosperities: Economics of Mutuality Conference


Jay Jakub Gives EoM Keynote at Conscious Capitalism CEO Summit